
Showing posts from November, 2015

Programming the Atmel ATmega8L Microcontroller

Introduction   In this article, I'll dive into hardware programming by working with a microcontroller (MCU). Having no prior experience with MCUs, this post will walk you through my learning process and project development. Getting Started   Based on a colleague's recommendation, I decided to use a USB-AVR programmer compatible with Atmel AVR microcontrollers. I ordered the USB-AVR programmer, an ATmega8L microcontroller, some resistors, LEDs, and a breadboard. For development, I prefer using IDEs due to their features like syntax highlighting and integrated build tools, which save time and resources. I chose Eclipse for this project. Setting up Eclipse for AVR programming involves installing the following libraries: gcc-avr : Compiler for Atmel AVR microcontrollers. binutils-avr : Cross-compiling version of GNU binutils. gdb-avr : GDB for debugging AVR binaries. avr-libc : C library for GCC on Atmel AVR microcontrollers. avrdude : Tool for transferring hex files onto the micro