Counting dice and train wagons using computer vision

Computer vision exercises with preprocessing Before starting my next project, I decided to work on some computer vision exercises. Each example is based on straightforward image preprocessing techniques. No complex data structures or machine learning are involved. Dice Detection I got this idea while browsing the net and became curious about how challenging it would be to write such a script. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the algorithm: Movement Detection : By comparing several frames with thresholds, we can determine if there is any movement in the frame. Adding a small time buffer after the movement stops gives us more accurate information. Removing the Background : Thresholding the grayscale frame helps to remove the background, leaving us with a binary image that highlights the objects. Cropping the Objects : Using contours, we can detect and isolate the objects by cropping them. Detecting Dots : By inverting the image, the dots on the dice become more distinguish...