
Showing posts from November, 2018

Toilet Roll Light Wall

LED Screen Made of Empty Toilet Rolls Why? The initial idea was to find a creative way to reuse empty toilet rolls while having some fun with Arduino and LEDs. I started by gluing together the first block, consisting of 4x3 LEDs connected to an Arduino Nano. As the project progressed, I thought it would be interesting to control the LED screen directly from an Android device. To make this possible, I added a Bluetooth adapter and developed a  Android app. As time passed and more empty toilet rolls became available, I continued building one block after another. Eventually, I set a goal to create a 4x4 grid of blocks, totaling 192 LEDs. As I expanded the physical screen, I also enhanced the functionality of the Android app, adding new features to control the growing display. first 6 blocks What Can It Do? Since the video below demonstrates it clearly, I'll just briefly list the features of the Android app: Draw (real-time): Allows real-time drawing on the LED screen. Toggle Ra