
Showing posts from July, 2017

Drone Following Instructions

Reading Instructions from QR Codes and Executing Them Using an Android Application Introduction Recently, I had the opportunity to build a drone prototype controlled by an Android device. The requirements were clear: the drone needed to be small in size and come with an SDK that supported video streaming. After some research, I decided that the Bebop 2 from Parrot was the best choice. Parrot is one of the few companies that offers an open SDK for developers, and they recently released the third version of their SDK. To get started, I worked with the Android application example provided by Parrot. This example covers almost every basic feature: connecting to the drone, moving it around, capturing high-quality photos, and accessing the drone’s media. One of the tasks for this prototype was to enable autonomous landing on a pattern. After researching existing solutions, I found a paper that explained the theory behind autonomous landing. This inspired me to create an Android applicatio